Dedicated to the memory of Mike Fewster

This site is a tribute to Mike Fewster, who sadly died at the age of 77 after a long illness caused by a hereditary heart condition. He was much loved and will always be remembered by family, friends and those who knew him.

A celebration of Mike's life

Mike's funeral service will take place at St Helen's Church, Wakefield (WF2 6EJ) at 12pm on Thursday 10th April 2025.

After the service, you are all invited, and would be most welcome, at Wakefield Golf Club (WF2 6JH) for food and refreshments. For catering purposes, please RSVP if you're likely to attend the wake by emailing us at:

The church service will also be live-streamed:

To join the live stream click here

Meeting ID: 318 174 058 25
Passcode: zM3oA6Pe

Please don't wear black unless you want to.

No flowers please. Donations to the British Heart Foundation can be made below. There will also be donation boxes at the church and the wake, for both the British Heart Foundation and Wakefield Hospice.


Fundraising for


Fundraising for


Help grow Mike's Tribute by adding messages or memories you'd like to share.

No flowers please. Donations to the British Heart Foundation can be made below. There will also be donation boxes at the church and the wake, for both the British Heart Foundation and Wakefield Hospice.

Fundraising for

British Heart Foundation
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